Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pet Peeves

My top twenty pet peeves

I don't have pet peeves I have whole kennels of irritation. - Whoopi Goldberg

  • Diesel trucks at a drive thru, if you have to turn off your truck to order. How do you think the person in front and behind you feels when they have to scream there order out.

  • Commercials that are so much louder than the TV shows.
  • People that wait until the last minute.
  • Restaurants that give you rolls, but never enough butter to go with them.
  • People who don't vote and then complain about the results.
  • Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
  • People who throw cigarette butts on the beach.

  • Kids who tease dogs through a fence. 
  • People who go the wrong way in a parking lot.
  • Someone with a full cart of groceries gets into the 10 items or less line.
  • You pull a string hanging from your shirt and it doesn't break, but only becomes longer.
  • People that don't send thank you notes.
  • Getting stuck at red lights, while nobody is going the other direction.
  • People who ride their bikes in the road when a sidewalk is right there.
  • No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms.
  • People who don't control their bratty children.
  • When people don't RSVP to an event.
  • Grocery clerks that want to bundle the receipt with my change. Hand me the money separately so I can put it in my pocket, and then hand me the receipt or place it in the bag.
  • People sitting at a red light and continuing to sit there when the light turns green because they're on their cell phone.
  • Driveways that make cars bottom out.
I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed gathering took me about four weeks just so you know.

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