Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy 1st Anniversary to Jon & I....October 9, 2011

Had a wonderful first anniversary...we went to my grandparents house in Oak Island, NC. Leave one beach for another...just to get away and have a mini vacation. It was a beautiful weekend and reminded me of our wedding day. Before I left work on Friday I had some beautiful flowers delivered.

The drive to Oak Island is nice and didn't get bad until the two lane road into the island. (Slow people + Driving a Mustang = Impatient) We arrived around 9:30pm on Friday night. Sleep came fast since we had been on the road for two and a half hours.

On Saturday morning we woke early so we could catch the ferry to head over to Ft. Fisher. Terrifying ferry ride they had to put it in reverse twice because of other boats on the waters. (Hint: If it is bigger than you move out of its way.) Once we arrived in Ft. Fisher we tracked down a place to eat. (Next blog...New Restaurants we tried in the month October.) Stopped at a stretch of beach and took some pictures.

It was slightly windy don't mind our hair all over the place.

Headed over to the Ft. Fisher Aquarium. If you have not been you must go. I have been only be to Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium but I have to rank Ft. Fisher up there as my favorite. I think that was mostly because of all the turtles they had there. I love turtles. Also, another neat feature was that they had a diver in the tank talking about the fish and waving at the kids. Here are a few pictures.

May what big teeth you have.

Turtles eating good.

Hey do you have food?


The real nemo.

How many turtles can you put on one log?
After the aquarium we went to the mall and officially started our Christmas shopping. We shopped for several hours and then went back to the place we were staying and took a nap. Went to a lovely restaurant for dinner.

Sunday - Our actually anniversary.  Woke up around 8am or so. Cleaned and packed up and headed out on the road. Ate breakfast at the best little place in the world. I wish I could of ate all of my food. We then went to The Christmas Shop...7 days a week of Christmas...wonderful little store.

The two and half hour drive home seemed to go by faster during the day. Anyhow got home and unpacked. Took a nap with our pups. For dinner we met my parents at Olive Garden.

Year old cake
Tradition has it you have to eat your wedding cake top on your anniversary. We did this...not to sure about the cake...don't know if it had something to do with being without power for 36 hrs due to Hurricane Irene or that it was old. But we ate it anyways. I have you know my husband stuffed the cake in my face yet again.

Probably day old cake.

Our anniversary weekend was absolutely wonderful and we look forward to many more.

“Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Loves is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It dose not take offense and is not resentful. Love take no pleasure in others people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”

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