Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Thankful

Thanksgiving Challenge: Everyday in November, post something you are thankful for:

Day 1: Thankful for my husband Jon. Busting his butt to provide for us, the pups and our beardie!!! He works so hard at work and school. Yep thats my husband!!

 Day 2: Thankful for my wonderful family. I have to say I have the best family in the world. First and foremost my parents and sister what would I do without them. From my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles I am thankful for each and every one of you!!

Day 3: I am thankful for my furbabies and our bearded dragon. As for my furbabies...Mufasa & I have been together since he was seven weeks, he is now eight years old...I find myself loving him more and more everyday. Ginger is Jon's furbaby so I adopted her and she is a great watch dog and I love her to pieces. As for Berri she is a wonderful little dragon...although with her recent brumating she has made me fearful that I'm going to lose her. Apparently this is normal. I ♥ them all and thankful to be their mommy!!

Day 4: I am thankful for my job! Especially the state of the economy these days I am thankful that I have a job with great benefits. I ♥ my coworkers and yes bossman that includes you.

Day 5: I am thankful and proud to be an American! Thankful to live in a country where I am free and have rights. Thanks to all of those who fight for our freedom!

Day 7: I am thankful for my health. Although my health hasn't always been the def. hasn't been the worst that I have seen in others.

Day 8: I am thankful for the ability to cook and bake. And I know Jon is thankful as well. We both do pretty good with this ability!!

Day 9: I am thankful for clean water. Anyone who has lived in most of the United States all of their lives probably can’t imagine not having clean, drinkable, water. Sadly, in a great number of people in the world do not have it. It is truly a blessing on many levels.

Day 10: I am thankful for my five senses. Seeing: The sunrise out your window of a cruise ship. Hearing: Ocean waves crash on shore. Tasting: Pumpkin Shrimp Bisque from the Ruddy Duck. Smelling: Thanksgiving dinner. Touching: Hold hands with my ♥ Jon.

Day 11: I'm thankful for our armed service men & women. I appreciate my freedom and having rights as an American. Thank you!!

Day 12: I am thankful for weekends!! Every once and a while you need a good weekend...nothing but relaxation...even if its just for a lazy Sunday. Thankful that most weekends Jon & I spend the majority of the weekend together and we have jobs that allow us to have Sat. & Sun. days off.

Day 13: I am thankful for faith. Knowing that miracles and the Lord do exist.

Day 14: I am thankful for a car and the ability to drive. I love to drive and thankful that I have this right because if not that would be a long 15 mile walk to work daily.

Day 15: I am thankful for technology. Facebook, Blogs, Coupon sites,, Online Banking and so many more. I would have to say that technology sure makes my life easier.

Day 16: I'm thankful that I am crafty and creative. I know I truly get this from my momma. Working on a diaper cake for a beautiful little girl.

Day 17: I am thankful for life...thankful for waking up every morning and able to get out and seize the day.

Day 18: I see this fitting for today...since its payday! I am thankful that we are able to pay our bills on time.

Day 19: I'm thankful for weekends with my family. Most of my family is 4 to 5 hours away but when we get together its like we see each other everyday. Waking up in the house I grew up is amazing and I value the closeness of our family and traditions we have set over the years.

Day 20: I'm thankful for paved roads, road signs and electricity to power the stoplights.

Day 21: I am thankful that I have a great sense of humor. Which only adds to my wonderful personality! :o)

Day 22: I am thankful for in-laws that treat me like family. ♥ you guys!!

Day 23: I am thankful for powered I am baking my cheesecakes for tomorrow. Couldn't imagine not having my mixer and oven.

Day 24: I am thankful for Thanksgiving...gathering and eating with family and putting up CHRISTmas decor.

Day 25: I'm thankful for the seasons...My most favorite season is fall...the leaves changing colors, family gatherings begin, and our anniversary.

Day 26: I'm thankful for my clothes and shoes. I'm thankful that I'm able to purchase the items we want or need. I'm also thankful that if we don't use the clothes or shoes we have a great organization in our community to donate the clothes.

Day 27: I'm thankful that we live in an age of medical breakthroughs. I know one day there will be a cure for cancer and other illnesses.

Day 28: I'm thankful that we live in Carteret Co, NC. I love the fact that we can go to the beach in less than five minutes. Also we have some awesome seafood around here...oysters, shrimp and can't beat it.

Day 29: I'm thankful for take out. You know those days that you just don't feel like cooking. Well I'm thankful we have plenty of places to order from and they deliver.

Day 30: I am thankful that Jon & I have been Christmas shopping a little each weekend since Oct. so we can enjoy the holiday season upon us and not lose our sanity out in the crowds.

Friday, November 25, 2011

All Hallows Eve

Nothing beats a haunted moonlit night on All Hallows Eve.... And on this fatal night, at this witching time, the starless sky laments black and unmoving.  The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging face of the full moon.  ~Kim Elizabeth

What can I say I love Halloween...the decorations, candy, carving pumpkins, dressing up and trick or treaters.  Also, Halloween is the kick off for the most wonderful time of year.

So this Halloween was no different...we decked the house out with Halloween decor. We even had a fog machine in the yard...although we had to move it around a couple of times for the full effect due to the wind. We carved pumpkins the Wednesday prior to Halloween with my sister in law and her little sweetie Kaylee. Also we had our neighbors come over...Carmen and Kayden.
All of our pumpkins.

Jon, Savannah & Kaylee

Prior to the big day...Jon & I designed my costume...I was a black spider. This took some creativity because its hard to find a costume that covers your butt these day. Anyhow...I purchased some black pantyhose, doll stuffing, black face paint, black nail polish, black thread, black turtleneck, black headband and styrofoam balls.

I stuffed 4 pantyhose with doll stuffing and put two more layers of pantyhose so you couldn't see the stuffing.  Then came the most grueling part...sewing the legs on to the turtleneck. I may be crafty but I dislike sewing. While I was sewing Jon painted the styrofoam balls black and put red dots on them for eyes and then glued them to the headband.  After what seemed like a four hour process I was finished...finally. Now comes the trying on part...tried the shirt on and Jon stitched up all my arms to move at the same time. Then Jon proceeds to paint my face black for the full effect and then put my headband on. Then we took photos and then three hours later all the black paint was off my face. I opted out of wearing the black paint to work the next day.

So its the big day...get all dressed up and get in my car to drive to work...should of thought about this a little more....I had to wear my seatbelt illegally to drive to work and my legs were all over the place. My boss lady dressed up as a witch and brung in her black cat with her...the day seemed to creep by...I think that I had something to do with all the legs. 

Anyhow the real fun was starting once it got dark.  I got off work early and got the house all ready for the trick or treaters.  We had so many trick or treaters I thought I was going to have to run out to get more candy.

Trick or Treaters


Joslyn, Savannah, Dylan, Justin & Heather

I hope you enjoyed my Halloween Blog and pics.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Mother's Love

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavour by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts." Washington Irving

My mom & first time in the ocean.

I recently had the opportunity of spending a week with my mom. It was an amazing week and I hope to be able to do this more often.

Here is a few highlights of our week together:

We went to Fort Macon and walked the beach searching for shells for crafts. Went to the Educational Center and looked at their exhibits. Christmas shopping all over the place....Morehead City, New Bern and Jacksonville. MICHAELS - We seem to be some crafty ladies so we had to get supplies for some ideas we had brewing. Worked on a sea turtle puzzle and glued it afterwords. Completed two wreaths and worked on some Christmas gifts. Book signing for Nicholas Sparks new book "The Best of Me". We also went to some used bookstores. Here is some photos of our wonderful week together.

Nicholas Sparks & I...after waiting 8 hrs in
line it was worth it.

The signed book.

My Halloween wreath we made.

Spring wreath we made.

A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self.  And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. - Victoria Secunda

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oct 2011 - Yummy

We had the pleasure of trying some new restaurants and some great food during the month of October.  They were so good, I decided to give them their own blog review.

NC Seafood Festival - Morehead City, NC

This festival has grown so much since I had last attended and actually looked around and viewed all the vendors items. We walked around for several hours...sampling and nippling on food. Arrived about lunch Jon & I shared a seafood combo plate: crawfish, fried alligator bites, and fried shrimp. My fave was the crawfish...somehow I think I have some New Orleans roots that I don't know about. Jon really enjoyed the alligator bites, although they were a bit greasy. We also tried the twice baked seafood potato...this was so delicious and yummy. The potato had shrimp, onion, cheese, and bacon. And I'm not talking one of those small potatoes this one was about the size of my palm. A+ got to go!

Kate's Pancake House in Carolina Beach , NC

We ate breakfast here on a Saturday morning, they were extremely busy but it was well worth the wait. Jon & I both ordered breakfast platters. Bacon, grits, home fries, cheese eggs, and toast. I really enjoyed the bacon and grits the best. A+ if you are in the area you must try it.

Flaming Amy's in Wilmington, NC

This is similar to a Mexican restaurant with focus on burritos and nachos. Jon had a double beef stuffed burrito...with no rabbit food as he says. I had Nachos with beef, beans and all the fixings. I rate this place a really can't mess up Mexican food. This place has a great atmosphere and the food was awesome.

Shagger Jacks in Oak Island, NC

We enjoyed our dinner outside under the stars, it was a lovely evening. I had crab legs with melted butter. Jon had a bacon cheeseburger with fries. Mmmm crabs were so good...but I had to work hard to get to the good stuff. For dessert...Key Lime Pie and Triple Chocolate Pie. Everything was excellent and I rate this place A+...the service was great, atmosphere was relaxing and laid back, food was great value for your money.

Taylor's Cafe in Southport, NC

A favorite among Jon & I...we have been here for breakfast & lunch. On this trip we had breakfast. There was a little wait...but well worth it. We decided to have the platters...eggs with cheese, bacon, ham, grits and home fries...the whole nine yards. This was one of the best breakfasts...I have ever eaten. So just in case you don't know they have the best lemonade I have ever tasted...has fresh fruit in it. A++ - Excellent doesn't even describe this place.

Crab's Claw in Morehead City, NC

My mom and I ate lunch here. This little place has views of the ocean and their food is delicious. For a starter my mom and I had coconut shrimp and jalapeno corn bread. For our meal we had a crab pot which includes corn on the cob, red potatoes, shrimp, crab, onions and carrots. A+ - Must try really good.

Thank you for reading my Yummy Blog.